Morning Ritual — 1.30.22

Lance Curran
2 min readJan 30, 2022

What Does It Mean?
This is going to sound crazy, like really crazy, but go with us here.
The trick is how to identify what is worthy of your precious time.
Your kids are smart and funny and talented and beautiful.
“I wanted my freedom,” she famously said, becoming an emblem of the socialist bloc’s rot and its inability to retain some of its finest talent.
Where did January go?
They say most resolutions are broken by the end of January.
We hate to admit it, but we needed this cheesy, sing-song, borderline insulting narrator to explain them to us as if we were in boy scouts.
If you don’t laugh at the clip of the mustached man blowing weird breaths into a trombone(?) while the guy next to him whips a spatula(?) around a lazy susan with one hand and flicks a giant slinky(?) with the other, well, we’re not sure you’ll ever find joy in this life.
Sorry to trouble you on a Sunday. Have a great day. And thanks for reading.
Whenever you’re called on to make up your mind,
and you’re hampered by not having any,
the best way to solve the dilemma, you’ll find,
is simply by spinning a penny.
No — not so that chance shall decide the affair
while you’re passively standing there moping;
but the moment the penny is up in the air,
you suddenly know what you’re hoping.
The ghost said hello to me. I heard him and stood still. Looked around.
If we don’t understand how we got “here,” we run the risk of making things much worse.
The most important step in becoming successful in anything is to first become interested in it.
Everything interacts and is dependent on other things. We must think more thoroughly about what we are doing, how we are doing it, and why we are doing it.
To maximize your life enjoyment, you should die with no money left over.



Lance Curran

What was, once, yourself, was now presented as an unreachable but irresistibly alluring image of what, in this best of all possible worlds, you could be.